hay camera club constitution
1. Name
1.1 The Club shall be called “Hay Camera Club”. In this document references to “HCC” or “the Club” may also be used.
2. Aims
2.1 The Aims of the Club are:
The furtherance of photographic art and technique by holding lectures, demonstrations, competitions and other events commensurate with this aim.
Engagement with, and support of, the local community and community organisations by providing or supporting events, activities and training as appropriate and approved by the committee of HCC.
Encouraging appreciation of photography through exhibitions, demonstrations and public competitions
3. Eligibility For Membership
3.1 Membership shall be open to anyone interested in photography, and who agrees to actively support the Club and abide by the Club rules, including payment of the annual membership fee as determined by the Committee from time to time. Persons under the age of 18 will be asked to confirm their date of birth and will also need to obtain their parent’s or guardian’s written consent to their membership and to their personal data being retained by HCC..
4. Attendance
4.1 All paid-up members may attend any and all meetings of HCC, with the exception of Committee Meetings unless invited by the Chair.
5. Safeguarding of Vulnerable Persons
5.1 HCC will abide by all legal safeguarding requirements applying to any persons under 18 years of age and any persons deemed vulnerable by themselves, or by statute, or by any organisation promoting their attendance at HCC meetings. HCC has a written policy for the Protection of Vulnerable people which is available via the Club website.
5.2 HCC does not retain a Safeguarding Officer and therefore any such person attending HCC meetings must be accompanied, if appropriate, by a qualified responsible person who will assume responsibility for that person at those meetings.
5.3 When the Club is aware that a vulnerable person is attending a HCC meeting, the Club will ensure that everything possible is done to meet their needs.
6. Visitors
6.1 Visitors to HCC will be welcomed to Club meetings subject to paying a ‘Visitor’s Fee’, the amount of which shall be determined by the Committee from time to time. Visitors paying the Visitors Fee do not have to pay extra for refreshments. The HCC website shall include details of these arrangements.
7. Prospective Members
7.1 Prospective members of HCC may attend up to three meetings as Visitors, paying the Visitor’s fee each time, to assess the Club and its activities, after which they must join the Club if they wish to continue attending.
8. Application For Membership
8.1 Applicants should apply to the Chair or Secretary for membership. Prospective members will be required to complete an application form the submission of which confirms their agreement to abide by all HCC Rules. Membership packs including an application form and details of all HCC Rules may be downloaded from the HCC website.
9. Termination Of Membership
9.1 Any member may resign their membership of HCC at any time in writing to the Committee. A membership will lapse if the annual membership fee is not paid within a period of six weeks from the date of notification that the fees are due. (Any member having difficulty in paying their fees for personal reasons may approach the Chair in confidence to discuss alternative arrangements.)
10.Conflict Resolution
10.1 Any member, who is brought to the attention of the Committee for disobeying any of the Club rules, or for behaviour prejudicial or detrimental to the interests of HCC, shall be liable to disciplinary action from the Club. If initial discussions on the matter with the Vice-Chair fail to resolve the issue, such a member shall be furnished by the Committee with a statement in writing of the allegations made against him/her and shall be given the opportunity of answering them either orally, or in writing, to a quorate Committee meeting not including the Chair. If within 28 days no explanation is given, or if in the opinion of a two thirds majority at that Committee meeting, the explanation is unsatisfactory, the Committee may decide to impose sanctions on the member, which may include a reprimand, a suspension, or expulsion from the Club.
10.2 Any member who has sanctions imposed in the above way shall have a right of appeal to the Club Chair. The Chair may remove, endorse, reduce or increase the imposed sanction(s) as they see fit and their decision shall be final.
10.3 Any actions undertaken will comply with the HCC Resolution Policy as necessary.
11. Subscriptions
11.1 The Club Financial and Membership Year is from the start of April to the end of March the following year. Annual Club subscriptions are due at the start of April.
11.2 Before the start of any Club Financial Year, the annual subscription for that year shall be determined by the Committee and communicated to members.
11.3 New members joining after the beginning of that Club Financial Year may join at a proportion of the current subscription rate based pro-rata on the number of whole months remaining in the Financial Year.
11.4 Members attending Club Nights are usually offered refreshments during the evening. These are optional but members partaking of these are asked to pay a nominal sum, as determined by the Committee from time to time, as a contribution to Club funds.
11.5 The Committee may, at its discretion, introduce temporary subscription discount schemes to attract and retain new Club members.
11.6 The Committee may, at its discretion, introduce special subscription schemes to accommodate membership by persons unable to attend all meetings in person, for example shift workers or persons not living locally.
12. Organisation
12.1 The officers of the Club shall comprise a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Competitions Secretary, Programme Secretary and two Member Representatives. Should any Officer position become vacant during the Club year for any reason, his/her duties may be undertaken on a temporary basis by another Committee member until an AGM or SGM is called. If an AGM is scheduled within 3 months, no further action shall be taken and the Officer position will be subject to election in the normal manner. If an AGM is not scheduled within 3 months, an SGM may be called for the purpose of electing the Officer.
12.2 Officers of the Club are elected by the Club members. Individuals nominated as Officers must agree their candidacy beforehand and they must be both proposed and seconded by different paid-up members of the Club.
12.3 The committee may, at its discretion, appoint a Club member as a Federation Champion who will liaise with Photographic Federations which HCC is a member of. The Federation Champion will promote Federation competitions and events amongst HCC members, assisting and advising them where appropriate.
13. Duration and Duality of Service
13.1I t is recommended that all Club Officer positions shall be held for a maximum term of three consecutive years. When electing a Club Officer this recommendation may be ignored by a simple membership majority, on a case-by-case basis. An Officer standing down from any Club Officer role may be nominated for any other Club Officer role at an AGM or SGM.
13.2 An individual may only hold one Club Officer role at a time unless given specific permission by the Committee.
14 Duties of Officers
14.1 Chair
14.1.1 The Chair shall be the spokesman for the Club. He/she shall preside at Club meetings and Committee meetings. In the event of a vote being equally divided at a General, Special or Committee meeting, he/she shall have the right to a casting vote in addition to his/her personal vote.
14.2 Vice-Chair
14.2.1 The Vice-Chair shall deputise for, and undertake the duties of the Chair when the Chair is absent. In addition, he/she shall carry out such further duties as the Chair may request or direct.
14.3 Secretary
14.3.1 The Secretary shall manage the administrative business of the Club, including the scheduling and distribution of all notifications and correspondence related to the AGM and any SGM. He/she shall also be responsible for keeping the minutes of all meetings: namely AGM, SGM and committee meetings, and for their circulation to the appropriate recipients.
14.4 Treasurer
14.4.1 The Treasurer shall collect all subscriptions and monies due and maintain a record of all money movements. At the close of each Club Financial year, a ‘Statement of Income and Expenditure’ and a ‘Balance Sheet’ shall be drawn up by the Treasurer and be independently examined and verified by a competent, independent person who is not a Club member. The verifier shall be named in the accounts documentation submitted for the AGM.
14.4.2 The Treasurer shall be responsible for paying all speakers and judges in a timely manner, as well as all other Club financial commitments and purchases as they arise.
14.4.3 The Treasurer shall keep the Committee informed of any significant financial developments affecting the Club.
14.5 Programme Secretary
14.5.1 The Programme Secretary shall arrange a programme of events for the coming year within a budget agreed by the Committee. He/she shall undertake the reservation of speakers and arrange for suitable publication of the Club programme for members and, where appropriate, the advertising of events to the general public. The Programme Secretary shall also ensure that Model Release forms are provided and signed, should the need arise.
14.6 Competitions Secretary
14.6.1 The Competitions Secretary shall be responsible for arranging all internal and external competitions as agreed by the Committee and within a budget agreed by the Committee. He/she shall engage judges and coordinate the call for competition entries from members, record and manage individual scores awarded by judges, and disseminate the results. The Competitions Secretary shall also manage and coordinate HCC entries in inter-club and Federation competitions which the Club may enter.
14.7 Member Representatives
14.7.1 The two member representatives shall be able to make representations to the Committee on behalf of members. They act as spokes-persons for members where necessary, thus ensuring that any member may put their views before the Committee without hindrance. They will have full voting rights and perform tasks as required by the Committee. They shall be deemed to be Club officers.
15. Financial Management
15.1 A policy of “at least two out of three” signatories / authorisers will be adopted for the HCC bank account. No signatory / authoriser may authorise any payment to himself/herself.
16. Club Management Documentation
16.1 The Club maintains the following policy documents to support this Constitution and define Club Policies on the discharge of Club obligations and responsibilities These policy documents are available either on the Club Website or on request to the Club Secretary.
16.2 The following documents are maintained:
Safeguarding of Vulnerable People
Resolution Policy
Reserves Policy
Data Protection Policy
Risk Management Policy
17. Club Management Meetings
17.1 The management of HCC shall be conducted via three types of meeting, namely:
17.2 Annual General Meetings (AGM)
17.2.1 The AGM of the Club shall be held within the first two months following the end of the financial year.
17.2.2 The AGM business shall include:
Minutes of the last AGM,
Chair’s Report,
Officers’ Reports, including the presentation of audited accounts,
Election of Officers,
Motions Proposed as per the rules for submission,
Any Other Business.
17.2.3 All candidates for Officer posts, either existing post holders or new candidates shall be proposed and seconded for the AGM as per the defined timetable. If a correctly nominated candidate is the sole candidate for an Officer Post, no vote is necessary and the candidate will assume the post by default.
17.2.4 When a vote is necessary, either for a contested election or an AGM Motion, results shall be determined by a simple majority of fully paid-up members of HCC attending the meeting and shall be by secret ballot if so requested by any member present. Proxy voting is not allowed.
17.2.5 AGM Business may only be conducted if the meeting is quorate, i.e. at least 30% of the current membership is present.
17.2.6The AGM shall be Chaired by the current Chair, or if not present, the current Vice-Chair. If neither is present the members attending must select one of those attending to serve as Chair for the duration of the AGM only.
17.3 AGM Notification Timetable
17.3.1 At least twenty-eight days’ notice must be given to all HCC members of the date of an Annual General Meeting, with an invitation to propose matters to be discussed and formal motions to be proposed including nominations for Officer positions.
17.3.2 Matters proposed for discussion and formal motions to be proposed should be supported by an explanatory paragraph to inform members of the background to the proposed discussion or proposal.
17.3.3 All formal motions and nominations for Officer positions, duly proposed and seconded, and matters for discussion, must be received by the Secretary at least fourteen days before the date of the AGM.
17.3.4 The Secretary shall distribute the AGM agenda, supporting documentation and election nominations to all HCC members at least seven days before the date of the AGM.
17.3.5 Other matters, of an urgent nature only, i.e. matters which could not have been reasonably raised with two weeks’ notice, may be raised under Any Other Business at the AGM. At his/her discretion, the Chair may call for a show of hands from attendees at the AGM to determine whether any such matter shall or shall not be discussed under AOB.
17.4 Special General Meetings (SGM)
17.4.1 A SGM can be called at any time by the Committee or on receipt by the Secretary of a request signed by not less than five HCC members stating the purpose of the SGM and proposed motion(s). SGM proposed motions may address any issues deemed appropriate by the Committee or the five HCC members requesting the SGM. A SGM shall deal solely with the motion(s) for which it was called and, if any, Officer Elections which may result from those motions.
17.4.2 SGM proposed motions should be supported by an explanatory paragraph to inform members of the background to the proposed discussion or proposal.
17.4.3 Proposed SGM motions put to a correctly called SGM may, without limitation, relate to any HCC matter of concern to those calling the SGM. They may not be struck down or otherwise avoided for any reason not specified in this Constitution.
17.4.4If a SGM motion leads to an Officer Election, all candidates for Officer posts, neither existing post holders or new candidates shall be proposed and seconded before the SGM as per the defined timetable. If a correctly nominated candidate is the sole candidate for an Officer Post, no vote is necessary and the candidate will assume the post by default.
17.4.5 When a vote is necessary, either for a contested election or a SGM Motion, results shall be determined by a simple majority of fully paid-up members of HCC attending the meeting and shall be by secret ballot if so requested by any member present. Proxy voting is not allowed.
17.4.6 SGM Business may only be conducted if the meeting is quorate, i.e. at least 30% of the current membership is present.
17.4.7 The SGM shall be Chaired by the current Chair, or if not present, the current Vice-Chair. If either is present the members attending must select one of those attending to serve as Chair for the duration of the SGM only.
17.5S GM Notification Timetable
17.5.1 On receipt of a valid SGM call, at least twenty-eight days must elapse before the SGM can take place.
17.5.2 At least fourteen days’ notice must be given to all HCC members of the date of a SGM and the purpose(s) for which it is called.
17.5.3 At least seven days before the date of the SGM, the Secretary shall distribute the SGM agenda, supporting documentation and if any, election nominations, to all HCC members.
17.5.4 If a majority of the Committee determine any SGM motion to be an emergency, this SGM timetable shall be suspended other than the need to give members seven days’ notice of the SGM date and also distribute the SGM Agenda and, if any, election nominations at the same time. Best endeavours to expedite the timescale shall prevail.
17.6 Committee Meetings
17.6.1 The HCC Committee shall meet as and when required to make day-to-day decisions necessary to facilitate the normal operation of the Club. At Committee meetings four members of Committee shall form a quorum. The Committee may request other Club members to provide advice or assistance to enable it to carry out its responsibilities.
18. Hay Camera Club Website
18.1The HCC website and its content are authorised by the Committee and shall be overseen by a nominated Committee member. The website provides information to HCC members and to the general public.
19. Social Media
19.1 All use of social media by or on behalf of the Club will be subject to approval by the Committee and will be actively moderated by a Committee member. Full regard will be paid to any acceptable use policies stipulated by the relevant media provider.
20. Insurance and Indemnities
20.1 HCC shall carry insurance covering accidents or injury to members, visitors or the general public, incurred during Committee-approved activities. The exception to this is that non-members joining the Club on outings beyond the normal meeting premises will not be covered by the Club insurance. HCC shall also carry management protection insurance for Committee members.
21. Information Governance
21.1 All members of Hay Camera Club have a personal responsibility to ensure data is collected, stored and handled appropriately. The way in which this legal requirement is complied with is fully described in the Club’s separate Data Protection Policy, which is the responsibility of the Chairman or a delegated member of the Committee.
22. Emergencies
22.1 In the event of any matter occurring or any dispute arising not specifically provided for in this Constitution, the Committee shall have the power to deal with the same at its discretion.
23. Dissolution of Hay Camera Club
23.1 In the event of dissolution of HCC, a Special General Meeting shall be called at which a liquidator shall be appointed who will dispose of any physical assets and any net proceeds, together with any remaining cash balances after payment of liabilities, sent to a suitable organisation established for the furtherance of photography.
24. Amending this Constitution
24.1 Any HCC member may at any time submit to the Committee written suggestions for amending the HCC Constitution. If a majority of the Committee agree that the suggestion should be put to the membership, it will be placed as an agenda item for the next AGM where members will vote to adopt it or not. A two-thirds majority vote by attending members is required for adoption of constitutional amendments. If adopted, it will become part of the constitution from the date of the meeting at which members vote to adopt it.
24.2 If the Committee reject the suggestion, the originating member may, subject to the usual rules, initiate a SGM with a Motion to consider the amendment. A two-thirds majority vote by attending members is required for adoption of constitutional amendments. If adopted, it will become part of the constitution from the date of the meeting at which members vote to adopt it.
24.3 If a majority of the Committee agree that the amendment addresses an emergency situation, a SGM may be called by the Committee in the usual way with a Motion to consider the amendment. If adopted, it will become part of the constitution from the date of the meeting at which members vote to adopt it.
Peter Seaman - Chair
Date 15 April 2024
Adopted by a majority of members at the Annual General Meeting on the 30th April 2024
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