hay camera club galleries -
marlborough v. hay 2020
On the different Gallery pages on this site we are pleased to display a changing selection of our members' images on a variety of themes. The images will display automatically as a slide show. Hover the mouse pointer over an image to see more details or click on a photo to stop the slide show and advance through it at your own pace. If you like an image please let us know what you think via our Contact page.
All of the photographs shown in this gallery were entered into this year's friendly "battle" with Marlborough Camera Club in New Zealand, the theme of which was "Landscapes" or "Seascapes" Our annual battle with Marlborough started around seventeen years ago when a member of Hay Camera Club emigrated to NZ and decided to organise an international contest between his new club and ours. We had a little trophy made and took turns in sending a disc of digital images to each other and organising a judge. Sadly, the member died, but the battle continues. The contest is restricted to twenty images per club.
This year's contest was organised by Marlborough, but was won by Hay for the second year running. Because of the Coronavirus emergency, viewing of all the entries and the judge's comments and marks was conducted online by members of both clubs simultaneously using proprietary video-conferencing software. All agreed that this was a great way to run the contest irrespective of any health scares and so this may well be repeated in future years. Please see the News page for more information.